Thursday, 13 November 2014

November Homework

How has my Textual Analysis and Research helped me with my Pre-Production?

My textual analysis helped me with my pre-production because it gave me inspiration and allowed me to take in the way icons and messages bring in a target audience, how colours can indicate emotion to the audience and using props and certain photography to make the audience have an emotion and draw them into want to know more.
I textually analysed 3 folk genre CD covers and I came to the conclusion that in folk music CD covers unanimated ones are all pictures of props, you don't really see the artist but you see a prop that is symbolic and expressed the artists themselves through the use of props, this helped me decide that on my CD covers I needed to use props but not people, I then got the idea that a lot of folk music artists use guitars in their music so I figured putting a guitar on my cover could be a sign that signifies it is how the artist the cover for represents themselves.

I also had to give the audience an idea of the type of folk music that it was so I edited three colours popular in Jamaica (Red, Yellow and Green) which signified to the audience that the music is Jamaican folk music. Another thing that I did to help me with my pre-production was a questionnaire which asked the audience about price, images, colours, and other things which helped me make a decision on the design and emotion I put on to my CD cover, for my second design I did the most popular genre I did a pop artist genre which I used Ed Sheeran as my inspiration, from looking at previous CD covers I decided that I needed to use a picture of a person and use bright colours to create a pop CD cover.

Also using my textual analysis I discovered that Pop and Folk genre CD covers are similar in the way that they use props to signify what the music in the album is about, however on most Pop CD covers I found that there is almost always a person on there unless it is an animated CD cover. Usually pop CD covers have a picture of a person and props with either Bright colours in the background or bright colours in a overlay. I chose to go for bright colours as an overlay with the picture of a persons hand holding a guitar in the background which brings a relaxed pop theme to my album.

Also looking at my questionnaire it has helped me to decide which kind of magazine to do for my production.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

CD Cover Analysis

CD Cover Textual Analysis

Typically on a CD cover in the modern day you see many nude girls being exposed, drug use and alcohol. However folk music is a different kind, the Folk genre is based on the representation of a community through passionate music. This CD cover is a Folk genre and from the image of a guitar and hands it symbolises that the musician is expressing himself through music, connecting himself to the guitar by hugging it. There is an orange eye on this CD cover which is a sign, the orange eye signifies that the music is allowing you to look into the musician/artist. This sign could also be signifying to the audience to look into this album, meaning turnover and get more information on the album. The name of the album is Inspiration, which gives this album the emotion of happy, making the audience determined to achieve and inspiring them to do what they want.

The lettering on this CD cover is Arial style font and is orange coloured. The orange colour stands out from the background which has a sepia edited effect and complements the artists style because it is simple but yet means a lot to him and his community, in other words it gives a strong representation of the artist. In a way the title deviates away from the image because using a image of a musician hugging a guitar represents that they are going to represent themselves through music but the title is 'Inspiration' which veers away from the image but i think that this could symbolise that he is going to inspire the audience by using experiences of himself through the music.

The mise-en-scene of this CD cover is a sepia edited picture of a guitar standing up vertically but you can only see the base of the guitar and a pair of hands gripping the guitar looking like the person who I think is the musician is hugging the guitar close to themselves. Another thing on the mise-en-scene is the placement of the guitar, it is placed on the left of the cover allowing the audience to see the background on the right of the cover. The colours on this CD cover are in a sepia coloured theme, excluding the orange sign which is an eye and the title and artist name. The message that the sepia colour theme puts across is a chilled, mellow music feel which gives a strong representation of the artist themselves.

This particular artist themselves are icons, they use sepia images on their front cover which give a relaxed approach to the music but also represent their community in the music. However in this particular album it represents the folk music community in a relaxed manor and target people personally to inspire them. The folk music community are represented positively in this album cover as they put a positive effect across to try and inspire people positively.

The folk music community is a big community with many different audiences depending on the culture of the album and artist but this particular album would be targeted towards males aged 18 - 30 as it tries to inspire them to do something with their lives.

This CD cover is a folk genre and from the image of the chicken and building in the background it represents the folk music community as a whole for its abstract music about their feelings and communities. This CD is about Mark Cool and the other popular Folk artists which allows them to use the cover to represent the folk music genre as a whole as I previously said. The metal chicken is on a field, the chicken being on a field could be a sign, which signifies freedom of the chicken in the field but at the same time of it being metal being free in the same place which could show the end to a problem that the artists in this CD have faced. The name of the CD is ' Mark Cool & the Folk Stars ' this is a compilation CD of the most popular folk music around from a certain community.

The lettering on this CD cover is white just like the chickens tail, this could be a sign which signifies that they are laid back and chilled just like how the chickens tail is the back of the chicken but up, which could be a happy chilled back emotion. In this particular CD cover the font blends into the background in a way which could show that the musicians in this album are free but in the same place, which could mean they have been around a war or world event in their town.

The miss-en-scene of this CD cover is a high contrast picture of a metal chicken stood on a field far away from a building which you can see in the back ground, the chicken is multi-coloured white,blue.yellow and red. there is then a gap on the left side of the chicken where the title is. The colours on this CD cover put across a bright happy image due to the bright colours and open space on the image. This puts across a sense of happiness and freedom in the same place they were.

The musicians in this CD are Icons, they use bright colours which give a happy emotion to their music and represents a large part of folk music in a positive representation as its happy and freedom which is showing an end to a part in the folk music.

The folk music community is a big community with many different audiences depending on the culture of the album and artist but this particular album would be targeted towards a large range of audiences because freedom and happiness is an emotion many people want but i would say males aged 50 -70 because it can relate back to previous world events and the emotion they felt after.

This image is a folk music genre CD cover, different from the other two folk CD covers I have analysed it is animated. On the cover is an animated image, of a woman in a bandana stood on the beach with a guitar. This gives the impression of the happy side of folk music, the picture on the CD cover is in a small scene which could mean that its representing a small population in the folk music community. This CD is called 'Bossa Nova, around the world'. This gives the impression that it may not be just representing a small community but the folk music community all over the world. The shells and starfish in the image could be a sign, which signify peace on the beach and has a happy relaxed emotion to it. The guitar signifies that this folk music CD is made using a guitar, which is the most common instrument in folk music.

The lettering on this CD cover is animated, curvy and modern. The colour of the title is red just like the woman on the covers bandana which symbolises love, this gives the impression that the CD could be about expressing love in a happy place and celebrating something, 'Bossa Nova' is a Brazilian type of music which is a mainly guitar based genre and happy.

The mise-en-scene of this CD cover has really bright colours, on the cover I can see a beach, shells, the sea, a woman with a guitar wearing a red bandana and the sky, this is all animated which puts across a happy celebration theme just like Bossa Nova music is about as well as the title which indicates that the artist has been all over the world playing the Brazilian folk music.

The musician in this album is a Brazilian folk music icon who has travelled the world promoting the Brazilian folk music and has recorded as she has travelled. It gives a positive representation of Brazilian folk music as indicated from the bright colours of the cover.

The folk music community is a big community with many different audiences depending on the culture of the album and artist but this particular album would be targeted towards a large range of audiences because the artist has travelled all over the world to target many different audiences of many different socio economic groups, however just looking at the cover gives a feel that the target audience is 18 - 25 females. This is because it could relate to many people just finishing university and wanting to take a gap to travel the world and experience different cultures like this artist has done.